donderdag 9 september 2010

Something you should know about biofuel

DId you know you can make your own biofuel in the kitchen, and that it's even better for your engine than regular petro-diesel?

You could for example use used cooking oil instead of throwing it away. That's not the only thing, there is more.

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European fuel prices the highest in the Netherlands

Fuel prices in the Netherlands are a target for massive taxes. Making them the highest in all of Europe.

In the year 2007 the tax on petrol was € 0,68 per litre or 3,5 dollar per gallon. There is also 19,00% VAT over the entire fuel pricing, making the Dutch taxes one of the most high priced in the world.

BP disaster investigators come up with worrying conclusion

The investigators at the BP disaster found out that the oilspills happened due to eight failures. This reminds of the story of nuclear testing, at some times the safety failed and in some cases there was only one safety mechanism left before a disaster would take place.

It seems like there is not enough testing of safety or fallback measures. We even see this in the webhosting sector, where backup power generators fail frequently.

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